Home Blog Author: Valentin Hinov

Author Details - Valentin Hinov

Photo of Valentin Hinov

Val has been tinkering on his own projects since he learned how to code. On Thankbox he does a bit of everything - working on new features, answering customer emails and constantly thinking about how to make it even more awesome. He enjoys practicing martial arts - currently Tang Soo Do - and coming up with fun games to play with his daughter.

Our Complete Guide to Asynchronous Communication in the Workplace

Photo of Valentin Hinov Valentin Hinov 25 July 2024
Woman In Black Blazer Sitting On Black Office Chair

Remote work and flexible schedules are the new norm in many industries, making top-notch communication skills a must. Traditional communication methods just don’t cut it for teams spread across the globe. Instead, we need the benefits of asynchronous communication. Stay tuned for more insights.

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Team Development 101: We Share 5 Stages of Forming a Successful Team

Photo of Valentin Hinov Valentin Hinov 17 July 2024
Colleagues looking at a laptop screen

Whether you’re a manager or a team member, understanding how to build a successful team is an essential piece of the puzzle. It’s more than trust falls and icebreakers—it’s a structured process that helps people work together. Ready to build your dream team? Read on to learn how…

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From Start to Finish: How to Implement a Successful Succession Plan

Photo of Valentin Hinov Valentin Hinov 17 June 2024
Enthusiastic team

If you’re a Succession fan, you know what happens when a successful company loses its CEO. Without a clear succession plan, the business falls into chaos. As unpleasant as that sounds, it’s a wake-up call about how succession planning secures business continuity and stability. Let’s change that.

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Thankbox Celebrates its 4th Birthday by raising £5,114 for Mental Health UK

Photo of Valentin Hinov Valentin Hinov 05 June 2024
Thankbox x Mental Health UK

Whether you've donated to our cause or not, we are proud to share our accomplishments through our partnership with Mental Health UK. Come along to learn all about the positive impact we aim to make in people's mental health journey.

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Our Guide to Managing Up: What Is It & How To Get The Results You Want

Photo of Valentin Hinov Valentin Hinov 27 May 2024
Smiling women sitting at a table

How do you provide value to your managers without overstepping the line? Well, managing up effectively is the key to becoming a successful employee and stepping up in your career. This article is a must-read for anyone wanting to expand their influence at work.

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Unveiling 10 Leadership Competencies: Your Guide to Success

Photo of Valentin Hinov Valentin Hinov 13 May 2024
Smiling woman wearing glasses

From watching The Office, we all know that leadership can make or break a team. After all, a great leader can turn a struggling company into a powerhouse of productivity. Ready to unlock your potential? Join us as we explore how mastering leadership competencies can elevate your leadership game.

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Here’s Our Complete Guide to Employee Appreciation in 2024

Photo of Valentin Hinov Valentin Hinov 23 April 2024
Big group of people

The stats don’t lie—most employees don’t feel appreciated at work. Over the long term, unhappy feelings can lead employees to slack off or quit entirely. Showing appreciation helps you build a more positive work environment. Read this guide to help your team reach its full potential.

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Here Are 8 Tips We Use to Develop a Strong Work Ethic in the Workplace

Photo of Valentin Hinov Valentin Hinov 05 April 2024
People doing handshakes in a meeting

Think of one of the most reliable people in your workplace. You probably have fond memories of them coming through for the team when others couldn’t. This is a sign of a good work ethic. The good news is that you can cultivate these standards for your entire team! Read on to learn how…

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Employee Value Proposition: How We Build a Winning EVP

Photo of Valentin Hinov Valentin Hinov 21 March 2024
Employer and employee shaking hands

Most employers have thought about what employees and potential employees offer them. But have you ever thought about what you offer employees? This is known as your employee value proposition (EVP)—and it’s absolutely crucial if you want to compete in the modern job market. Read on to learn more.

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10 Strategies We Recommend for Improving Employee Retention Rates

Photo of Valentin Hinov Valentin Hinov 15 March 2024
Coworkers throwing paper sheets in the office

You might think you have a team that’s happy at work. Then one day, your top performers hand in their resignations and communicate that they’ve been feeling undervalued for months. Understanding your employee retention rate is key to keeping your employees onboard. Read on for our top suggestions.

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