Home Blog 40 Heartfelt Retirement Messages

40 Heartfelt Retirement Messages

Photo of Tsvetelina Hinova Tsvetelina Hinova 25 August 2023
Retired couple walking on the chalk cliffs

Retirement isn’t just about trading business suits for bathrobes or meetings for napping (though, let’s admit, those are some pretty sweet perks). It's about celebrating the end of “How do I close this Zoom call?” and the beginning of “How do I turn off my alarm clock?

At these big, important moments, the right words can spark an array of feelings in the soon-to-be-retiree, wrapping up our sincere thanks, respect, and warmest wishes in one simple gesture.

Whether you're saying goodbye to the colleague who took all the good pens or to a family member who’s planning to retire and travel the world (without you, the audacity), Thankbox has got you covered. 

Let’s look at 40 heartfelt retirement messages that leave a lasting impression.

Retirement messages for a coworker

Colleagues are the chums who turn staff morale up to eleven, the companions in every tea break, and the friends you didn't know you'd make. Here are ten sincere messages you can include in their retirement card:

  1. Here’s to trading spreadsheets for beach sheets! Enjoy every moment, you’ve earned it.

  2. Remember the time we almost missed that deadline? Now, the only deadline is deciding what to do next!

  3. Who’s going to keep the plants alive now? Wishing you all the best in this new chapter!

  4. From office brews to unbeatable views, may your retirement be everything you dreamed of.

  5. Time is now on your side. Dive into those hobbies, family time, and dream holidays. Enjoy every moment of your newfound freedom.

  6. You've clocked out of meetings but here's to clocking into a whole new world of adventure!

  7. No more Monday blues for you! Cheers to endless weekends!

  8. You've been more than a coworker to me. You’ve been a mentor, a friend, and the official biscuit provider. Enjoy your well-deserved rest!

  9. It’s been a pleasure to work with you. May your retirement be filled with new hobbies, places to explore, and time to kick back and relax!

  10. Goodbye tension, hello pension! Can't wait to hear about life after the office.

To go the extra mile with your colleague, consider sending an online retirement card with Thankbox. This modern and personalised group e-card is a brilliant way to collect messages, memories, and more from everyone at the office. 

Thankbox retirement sample page

Whether it's pictures from the last Christmas party, candid office moments, or inside jokes, this peer-to-peer recognition allows everyone to pitch in and create a memorable send-off. Check out this link to see how it works.

But that's not all! Alongside these cherished messages, Thankbox offers the option of attaching a gift card. So, your coworker can kick off their retirement with whatever catches their fancy. Thankbox ensures they feel appreciated and celebrated in the most special way possible.

Thankbox beach and palm tree icon Happy retirement - say it so much better!

Get the team, execs and everyone at work to honour their service in real style and personality. Send them off with warmth in their heart and memories to cherish forever.

Retirement messages for friends

When your friend trades their office key for endless free time, it's a cause for celebration! Send them into this new chapter with heartfelt retirement wishes and all the positivity they deserve. Here are seven examples to send them off with a bang:

  1. Cheers to all the hard work behind and the relaxation ahead! Happy retirement, my dear friend.

  2. Remember all our crazy weekend adventures? Now, every day can be an adventure! 

  3. Your zest for life has always been contagious. Can't wait to see the enthusiasm you bring to retirement!

  4. Here’s to our shared memories and creating many more in this next chapter.

  5. More time for hobbies, passions, and our lovely coffee dates. Enjoy every bit of your retirement!

  6. No more waiting for the weekend to catch up. Looking forward to spontaneous coffee mornings!

  7. Gone are the days of, “The printer is broken.” Welcome to, “I’m chilling at home!” Happy retirement!

Retirement messages for family

When it comes to life's biggest moments, family are often the unsung heroes cheering from the sidelines. Dive into these eight heart-warming messages, perfect for celebrating your loved one's incredible milestone:

A grandfather and grandson
  1. Proud of all you’ve achieved. Here's to all the family moments ahead!

  2. As you hang up your work hat, a family-filled adventure awaits!

  3. No more peeking at the clock, waiting for quitting time. Every moment is ours now!

  4. Here’s to slow mornings, endless family chats, and that book you always wanted to read!

  5. Retirement means more time for us, and we couldn’t be happier. Congrats!

  6. Your dedication has always been inspiring. Cheers to this new phase!

  7. Here’s to a future filled with family trips, laughter, and even more cherished memories.

  8. Years of hard work have led to this – more moments with us!

Funny retirement messages

Who said retirement can't come with a side of humour? It's the time when weekdays blur into weekends. Tickle their funny bone with these light-hearted retirement messages:

  1. No more alarms! Well, unless you count the dog asking for breakfast.

  2. Every day is the weekend now. Just don’t forget which day the rubbish goes out!

  3. Now's your chance to do absolutely nothing and not feel guilty about it.

  4. Welcome to your new full-time job: Professional Lounger!

  5. Time to say goodbye to your arch nemesis: the office coffee maker!

  6. So, when do you plan to start those hobbies you’ve been “going to start” for the past ten years?

  7. Forget climbing the corporate ladder – it’s time to climb into the hammock!

  8. Even though I’m incredibly jealous, I’m still over the moon excited for you. Congrats! 

Inspirational retirement messages

Retirement isn't just an end – it's a brand-new beginning. These inspirational and thoughtful retirement messages will remind them of the adventures that lie ahead:

man kissing woman on check beside body of water
  1. A new adventure begins.

  2. Embrace this new chapter with the same enthusiasm you’ve always shown.

  3. Dive deep into the passions and dreams that you put on hold.

  4. A new journey is calling – embrace it with open arms.

  5. The horizon is full of endless opportunities.

  6. The world is your playground, and retirement is your golden ticket.

  7. As one door closes, countless others open. 

Create the perfect retirement e-card with Thankbox

There you have it! As the curtain falls on their professional journey, it’s so much more than just a simple “goodbye” to the daily grind. Retirement represents years of dedication, culminating in one giant milestone.

So when you’re scribbling down that retirement message, pause and think of the person and the times you’ve shared. And if you want to make an impact, consider sending your message through a Thankbox, ensuring your words are sent with the warmth they deserve.

After all, it's not every day someone retires, right? Don’t let another moment pass by, create a Thankbox today and celebrate their retirement the way they deserve!

Thankbox beach and palm tree icon Happy retirement - say it so much better!

Get the team, execs and everyone at work to honour their service in real style and personality. Send them off with warmth in their heart and memories to cherish forever.

Images: Cover | Grandad & Grandson | Retired couple

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