With a Thankbox online card there’s no limit to how many people can add messages or how long their messages are. That may present a challenge for many to find the right words to match the occasion. Here are a few tips to ensure you say what you want, how you want.
Firstly consider the occasion. This will guide your thoughts. There are so many occasions where a Thankbox group card fits the bill.
- Is it a leaving card for a colleague - perhaps going on maternity leave or retiring.
- A card congratulating someone on a great achievement?
- Or one of many of life’s milestone events - birthdays, weddings, anniversaries?
Whatever the occasion you want to express your thoughts appropriately.
With a Thankbox online card there’s no limit to how many people can add messages or how long their messages are. That may present a challenge for many to find the right words to match the occasion. Here are a few tips to ensure you say what you want, how you want.
Consider the occasion. This will guide your thoughts. There are so many occasions where a Thankbox group card fits the bill. Is it a leaving card for a colleague? Someone off for maternity leave? A retirement? Congratulating someone on a great achievement? Or one of many of life’s milestone events - birthdays, weddings, anniversaries? Whatever the occasion you want to express your thoughts.
Like a traditional group card, your message will feature among many others. It’s important you reflect on your relationship with the person that's right for the occasion. For example, for a group leaving card it’s always a good idea to consider:
- How long the person has been a co-worker
- Recalling achievements from a project team or group you were both part of
- Remembering milestone events in their time with the organisation
- The card is a memento of someone’s working life, so never include anything controversial. They will have their Thankbox forever as a fond reminder of past times.
- Express yourself. A huge difference between virtual and paper cards is space. You don’t have to cram a message into a limited space with an online card. This allows you to express yourself in a way never before possible. So:
- Make full use of all the features. Your Thankbox allows you to add photos, GIFs and videos. Either your own or one selected from the extensive Thankbox library.
- Write as you would as if you were still working together.
Hopefully that gives guidance about what makes a successful message in an online group greeting card - whatever the occasion. Our blog has more resources that go deeper into specific occasions.