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Photo of Andy Cakebread Andy Cakebread 03 January 2024

Revitalise Team Spirit: 20 Fresh and Powerful Ways to Boost Collaboration at Work

Imagine stepping into a workplace and feeling that electric charge of a team that’s more family than colleagues. This isn’t just a dream – it’s the power of teamwork. In this Thankbox article, we’re unpacking 20 innovative and effective ways to supercharge your team’s collaboration and spirit.

From Handshakes to Hellos: 18 Tips for Making a Strong First Impression at Work

Photo of Andy Cakebread Andy Cakebread 29 December 2023
Cheerful men shaking hands on urban building terrace

You may be stepping into a new office, meeting colleagues for the first time, or maybe hopping onto a Zoom call with a new client. In those moments, you’re laying the foundation for future interactions. So, join Thankbox as we dive into 18 handy tips to make your first impressions stand out!

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Transform Your Workday: 20 Ways to Build Better Habits

Photo of Valentin Hinov Valentin Hinov 26 December 2023
Smiling woman holding a document

Ever wondered why some people glide through workdays with ease? The secret isn’t in superpowers or unattainable skills – it’s in developing good habits! In the workplace, small actions create big waves. Join Thankbox as we uncover 20 dynamic habits that will revolutionise your nine-to-five!

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Fast and Fabulous: 20 Virtual Gift Ideas from E-Books to Online Concerts

Photo of Tsvetelina Hinova Tsvetelina Hinova 21 December 2023
Smiling woman in an online meeting

It’s a quiet evening, and you’re relaxing at home when suddenly, a birthday reminder pops up for tomorrow! But before panic sets in, you remember a simple solution at your fingertips – virtual gifts! In this Thankbox article, we’ll unlock a treasure trove of digital gift ideas for any occasion.

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Welcoming New Starters: 15 Innovative Tips for Team Members

Photo of Tsvetelina Hinova Tsvetelina Hinova 19 December 2023
Female florist holding a vase with flowers in a shop

Ever found yourself thinking about your first day on the job? The thrill, the nerves, and that classic “where do I sit at lunch?” dilemma. Guess what? Your new teammates are feeling the same. And who better to guide them than you? Explore these 15 tips and make every new addition feel right at home.

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Discover the Best: 12 Gift Delivery Services That Will Wow You!

Photo of Andy Cakebread Andy Cakebread 14 December 2023
Woman sitting on a couch while using her laptop and smartphone

Welcome to the fun world of gift delivery services! Ever found yourself in a pinch, needing to send a gift pronto? These 12 top-notch gift delivery services are your new best friends. They’re the superheroes of the gifting world, ready to save you from gift-giving blunders.

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Onboarding Made Easy: 20 Must-Know Tips for Welcoming New Staff

Photo of Valentin Hinov Valentin Hinov 11 December 2023
Close-up shot of keys on a red surface that spell "Welcome"

Are you ready to make your new team members feel right at home from day one? Welcome to the thrilling world of onboarding, the secret sauce to transforming new hires into happy, productive team players. Take a look at our 20 must-know tips for welcoming new staff so they hit the ground running.

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Transform Your Workday: 20 Simple Ways to Boost Your Motivation at Work

Photo of Andy Cakebread Andy Cakebread 08 December 2023
Motivational quote "Make Today Great" on yellow background

Have you ever found yourself watching the clock at work, eagerly waiting for 5 o’clock? If so, you’re not alone. It’s a common scenario for those stuck in a monotonous routine, struggling to find motivation. In this article, we’ll explore 20 actionable strategies to spark your work motivation.

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Virtual Secret Santa Unwrapped: Your Ultimate Guide to Online Gifting

Photo of Tsvetelina Hinova Tsvetelina Hinova 05 December 2023
Excited Asian woman opening a present

Are you ready to dive into the festive, fun world of virtual Secret Santa? Well, you’re in luck because we’re making it super easy and super jolly! Secret Santa is a beloved holiday tradition and now it’s going digital. If you’re wondering where to begin, don’t worry, Thankbox has got you covered.

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Top 18 Leadership Activities for Elevating Your Team’s Skills

Photo of Andy Cakebread Andy Cakebread 02 December 2023
Businesswoman in a meeting

Ever felt like you’re playing the role of Simon Cowell, spotting hidden talents and wondering how many more are waiting to be discovered? Well, the true leadership test is demonstrated through action, not just words. These 18 leadership activities can unlock a more dynamic and innovative team.

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