Home Blog Building a Happy Workplace: Our Guide to 12 Effective Employee Engagement Activities

Building a Happy Workplace: Our Guide to 12 Effective Employee Engagement Activities

Photo of Valentin Hinov
Valentin Hinov
Updated 01 Feb 2025 7 min read
Woman sharing her presentation with her colleagues

Have you ever thought about whether your employees are having a positive experience at work? 

Sure, employees might be arriving on time, participating in meetings, and meeting deadlines—but that doesn’t mean they’re satisfied with their job or their workplace.

At Thankbox, we understand that cultivating a thriving workplace is about much more than motivating employees to complete tasks on time. They need to be genuinely engaged to yield the best results. Join us as we share our top ideas for employee engagement to promote happiness at work and take your team to the next level. 

Let’s get started!

What are employee engagement activities?

Employee engagement activities are exercises and strategies that boost employee motivation and promote positive feelings about the workplace. Think about it–your employees spend about 50% of their time during the week at work, so why not make it worthwhile?

Cheerful colleagues working together

These ideas aim to spice up the regular work routine and make it more fulfilling for overall employee wellbeing. 

12 employee engagement activities for a happier workplace

Engaged employees positively shift the dynamic of your workplace because they feel more enthusiastic about their jobs and connected to their colleagues. 

Take a look at our engagement activity ideas to get you elevated as a team. 

1. Celebrate milestones 

Accomplishments, no matter how big or small, should never go unnoticed. You can create a designated celebration Slack channel with everyone to acknowledge both work and personal milestones, from securing a new client to getting married.

Thankbox Thank You Card Sample

If you want to add a special sentimental touch to your celebrations, Thankbox is the perfect solution.

 You can create the perfect e-card filled with uplifting messages, quirky GIFs, images, and videos to celebrate your team’s achievements. It’s a collaborative and sustainable way to bring your teammates together.

2. Host an awards night 

Who doesn’t love a little praise? Host an annual awards night to shine a light on outstanding colleagues and company wins. You can nominate employees for both work-related and light-hearted categories, showcasing how different characteristics don’t go unacknowledged in your workplace.  

3. Do something special when employees leave

While your goal may be to keep employees engaged and satisfied at your company, most people do move on at some point in their careers. That deserves to be celebrated too. Show appreciation for the time and effort they’ve dedicated to your company by hosting a small celebration they would enjoy.

Amazon gift card

With Thankbox, you can send out a thoughtful gift card, perfect for anyone, anywhere in the world. With a single click, you’ll be able to add a gift card collection to your Thankbox, choosing from over 700 global retailers like Amazon and prepaid Visa or Mastercard options. 

Confetti icon Build a happier workplace with Thankbox

One of the most effective employee engagement activities is celebrating each other’s achievements. Show your colleagues you care with a personalised touch from Thankbox. Create one today and watch your workplace light up!

4. Showcase individual employee interests 

Your employees have their own special set of skills and interests outside the workplace. To highlight these unique differences, encourage employees to share some of their interests at work. 

For example, if someone expresses their interest in yoga, offer up the opportunity for them to teach some exercises in the office to help others relax during the day.

Online yoga class

5. Create a collaborative music playlist

Music is a wonderful way to bring people together. Encourage your team to engage in a non-work activity by creating a vibrant office playlist that incorporates your different personality types. Everyone should be able to contribute without judgement (even if there’s one too many Taylor Swift songs!) 

6. Open up mentorship opportunities & career mapping

Mentorship programs for all levels are powerful ways to sharpen skills and open the door to self-improvement. You can also establish individual career mapping to aid in employee personal development so they have goals to work towards and a deeper understanding of their purpose in the workplace.

7. Create a local guide of fun things to do 

No matter if your team is made up of locals or out-of-towners, you can get everyone together to create a ‘tourist’ guide, including all their favourite places to visit and interesting activities to try. 

Use it as a valuable resource for company outings and a creative way for employees to connect on subjects unrelated to work. 

Travelling couple standing on a sidewalk with map

8. Host monthly brainstorming sessions

Brainstorming session

There’s nothing like a good ol’ brainstorming session to get the creative juices flowing. It’s the perfect opportunity for employees to exchange unique ideas, gain inspiration from each other, improve active listening, and get stuck in new projects.  

9. Have a theme day 

Who says you need a holiday to have a theme day? Get employees excited for a day at work by getting creative to represent a theme. It can range from anything like tacky sweater day or representing your favourite decade.

10. Create a museum of failures

Failures and embarrassing moments don’t have to equal shame. They can be a great way to promote a growth mindset and teach employees how to laugh off mistakes. 

Set up a museum of failures by launching an online gallery in a company social media group or a platform like Slack. Here, employees can share media and anecdotes about their embarrassing moments, like sending a text to the wrong number or accidentally spilling wine on their date! 

Bosses and managers should also contribute to show that leadership does have a human side, too. 

11. Get a suggestion box (and use it!)

While suggestion boxes may seem a little old school, they’re still valuable in encouraging team members to submit their ideas and opinions on what can change. Submissions can stay anonymous, but you should make sure to use the feedback in the best way to make sure your team feels heard and included in the workplace community.

Wooden scrabble tiles spelling Yes

12. Don’t forget about mental health 

Saving the most important for last, showing your colleagues that their mental health matters helps save them from burning out quickly. 

Incorporate wellness activities like: 

  • Group meditation sessions

  • Provide self-care kits with stress balls, scented candles, adult colouring books, tea, positive affirmation cards, etc. 

  • Virtual fitness challenges

  • Storytelling sessions

  • Personal time-off

Friends sitting in a park

Confetti icon Build a happier workplace with Thankbox

One of the most effective employee engagement activities is celebrating each other’s achievements. Show your colleagues you care with a personalised touch from Thankbox. Create one today and watch your workplace light up!

Wrapping up 

And there you have it – a comprehensive guide to 12 great employee engagement activities. By creating a positive working environment where colleagues celebrate each other, share productive feedback, and leverage benefits, there’s no way you won’t excel. 

Let’s not forget that celebrating team success also includes appreciation. This is where Thankbox steps in. The best part? We ensure same-day or next-day delivery, so you never miss the opportunity to show employees you care. 

Create a Thankbox today and make every achievement a special one!

Images: Cover | Cheerful colleagues working together | Online yoga class | Travelling couple standing on a sidewalk with map | Brainstorming session | Wooden scrabble tiles spelling "Yes"

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