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What to Write in a Leaving Card

Photo of Andy Cakebread Andy Cakebread 20 June 2022
Shaking the hands of a co-worker leaving for a new job

Life is full of milestones, and changing jobs is certainly one of them. According to a 2021 study, 52% of surveyed employees planned to look for a new job. The study noted this was a 35% increase from the year before.

If you work in an office (in person or even remote with a team), you’ll face a situation of a leaving card at some point. Traditionally, someone would hand you a card with statements and other co-workers’ signatures on it. Luckily, digital technology allows us to make these things a bit more fun and personal.

Thankbox makes it possible to create and send group leaving cards with the push of a button. While you might not be thrilled about someone leaving, it’s an opportunity to express your gratitude and well wishes before they go.

What to write in a work leaving card

Recent statistics show it’s becoming typical for people to change jobs as often as every 12 months. With that in mind, you might want to prepare for the next transition. It may feel like a lot of pressure to come up with something short and sweet that also functions as a farewell message, but you want to part ways with colleagues in the best way possible. So how do you decide what to write? Well, there are a few different things you may want to consider before you submit your final message.


How close is your relationship?

One of the biggest things to consider when you write a leaving card message is how close you were to the person leaving. Is this someone who you would regularly chat to over coffee in the morning? Or are they someone you just exchanged pleasantries with?

Leaving card messages for close colleagues

  • I’m not sure how I’m going to get through the workday without you, but I wish you all the luck in the world on this new journey!

  • Some people say friends are like family, but we spend even more time with our coworkers!

  • I can’t believe I’m losing my sidekick, but I am so excited about this new adventure for you!

  • Working with you felt like second nature, so I don’t know how I’m going to adapt! I’ll miss you, but I am so happy for you!

Leaving card messages for casual colleagues

  • It’s been such a pleasure working with you, I hope this next step is everything you’ve been hoping for!

  • Thank you for always being ready to support our team. We’re going to miss you!

  • Transitions can be scary, but they’re also exciting! Wishing you lots of luck and success on this new adventure!

How long did they work there?

Another thing to take into consideration is how long the parting employee spent working with you. In contrast, you may be new to the company, which also calls for a different tone.

Leaving card messages for long term employees

  • It’s been a pleasure growing with you, and I can only imagine you’re going to continue to go far. Best of luck with all your future endeavours!

  • We can’t believe you’re leaving, but we’re so happy for your continuing success!

  • It might take some time to get used to working without you here, but I’m so excited for you!

Leaving card messages for new hires

  • It’s been amazing to see how quickly you’ve grown! Best of luck with your future endeavours.

  • I want to say it’s too soon for you to go, but I’m excited to see what’s next for you!

  • In the short time I’ve gotten to know you, I’ve come to admire your work ethic and appreciate what you’ve done for our team. Good luck on your next adventure!

Leaving card messages when you are the new hire

  • It was great to meet you and I wish you all the best on this new journey!

  • I wish I got to spend more time working with you, but I’m sure your next team will feel lucky to have you!

  • Best of luck on this new journey, let us know how everything goes!

What not to include

Try to remember this is something your colleague might want to show friends and family outside of work. If you have inside jokes that might be taken the wrong way in front of a mixed audience, this is the time to keep those private.

Try to refrain from profanity or any other questionable language.

In the same respect, make sure you aren’t saying anything about other colleagues or supervisors in your message. Anything you write will most likely be read by most of your co-workers. So, keep in mind that some people might not have the same humour as you, and you don’t want to create an awkward environment out of what’s meant to be a kind gesture.

If you want an example of what an ideal card looks like, check out this sample from Thankbox

Where to find the best leaving cards

Once you know what you want to say, you’ll have to choose the type of card to send. Luckily, we’ve rounded up the three main categories to choose from.

Virtual Group Leaving Cards

Today’s digital world calls for elevated digital solutions, and virtual greeting cards with interactive elements and customisations are perfect for any occasion. However, you want to make sure you’re getting the latest features available. After all, you’ll most likely come back the next time an employee is leaving your company. The virtual group leaving card from Thankbox is an excellent solution for anyone looking for a thoughtful work leaving card.

If you usually stress about how you’re going to get everyone to sign without the recipient noticing, fret no more! You’ll get a secure link to discreetly share with coworkers so everyone can add their own personalised message. You don’t have to worry about a paper card getting into the wrong hands and ruining the surprise!

Once everyone adds their messages and contributes, you can expect your recipient to receive something like this:

A sample Thankbox

Notice that Thankbox allows you to include things like personal videos, GIFs, photos, animations, and other interactive elements to really customise your group message. Check out more design samples.

Depending on your needs and budget, you can opt for the classic or premium Thankbox. If you’re looking to include a sizable sum on a gift card, you might want to opt for premium, which allows you to collect up to $600 whereas the classic model caps at $300. Other differences in these packages are detailed in the table below:

Graphic showing a comparison between Classic & Premium Thankboxes

If you find yourself in need of leaving cards regularly, you can even order bundles with Thankbox. These are valid to use anytime within the span of one year and include everything that the classic model offers. If you want to upgrade any individual boxes to premium, you have that option too. You can find more information Thankbox pricing here.

Thankbox makes the entire creation process simple, requires no registration, and you only pay when you’re ready to send. So even if you’re not quite ready to make a decision yet, you can at least create a Thankbox and see how it comes out!

Group Leaving E-Card

If you prefer to stick to the basics, you can go with a simple e-card. E-cards have been around for about as long as the internet, and they can be a good choice for a group leaving card. Typically, you’ll be able to select from an array of pre-made designs, and choose whichever one most closely fits your colleague’s personality and reason for leaving.

An example of paper leaving cards

These days, you’re going to pay a fee for any type of e-card whether you opt for an elevated virtual leaving card or a basic, static e-card. So, keep this in mind when you’re trying to decide which is right for you. You can always go virtual if you decide you want to kick it up a notch.

Traditional Greeting Card

If you aren’t a huge fan of digital solutions, you can always resort to a traditional greeting card. Some people prefer the gesture of a physical card, which is understandable as long as you know your recipient wouldn’t prefer something digital. Just remember to be careful when passing it around the office.

You might find greeting cards in different places depending where you live, but generally, you can find them wherever you’d get a birthday card. If you’re ever in the mood to change it up, you can always go virtual!

Leaving cards can provide a memorable experience

At the end of the day, the purpose of a leaving card is to ease the transition of a coworker leaving. Rather than just a verbal interaction on their last day, a leaving card is something that they can reflect on and feel good about how they left things. It also gives everyone in the office a chance to express their appreciation and well wishes in a way that leaves a lasting positive impression. No matter the nature of your work, Thankbox has something suitable for everyone, so start building yours in minutes today!

Photo by fauxels @ Pexels

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