Home Blog Employee Evaluation Samples to Guide Your Next Review Session (+ Best Practices)

Employee Evaluation Samples to Guide Your Next Review Session (+ Best Practices)

Photo of Tsvetelina Hinova Tsvetelina Hinova 15 April 2024
Feedback spelled on scrabble tiles

The words "employee evaluation" carry a bit of a stigma. It doesn’t have to be this way.

If you’re conducting the evaluation, it’s your responsibility to ensure that it’s a constructive, positive experience for everyone involved—even when the feedback you’re delivering is negative.

That can be tricky.

That’s why the Thankbox team has compiled this list of employee evaluation samples. By the end, you can put together an employee evaluation based on our samples and use our suggestions for messages and best practices.

What goes in an employee evaluation sample?

An employee evaluation sample is a document or template that outlines the structure and key components of an employee performance review. It typically serves as a guideline for managers or HR professionals when assessing an employee's work performance over a specific period of time.

The evaluation should provide constructive feedback, recognise achievements, identify areas for improvement, and guide career development plans.

The benefits of employee evaluations

Performance improvement

Proper evaluations provide employees with specific, actionable feedback, enabling them to understand their strengths and areas for improvement. This clarity helps in setting clear directions for personal and professional growth, directly influencing their performance and productivity.

Motivation and engagement

When employees receive fair and constructive feedback, they are more likely to feel valued and motivated. Recognising their contributions and offering growth opportunities can significantly enhance their engagement and commitment to the organisation.

Confetti icon Celebrate Employee Success with Thankbox!

Congratulating your employees on their successes is just as important as evaluating their performance. Make your employees feel appreciated with a Thankbox! It only takes a few clicks to create a beautiful, interactive e-card.

Goal alignment

Through effective evaluations, employees' individual goals can be aligned with the broader objectives of the organisation. This ensures that everyone is working towards the same outcomes, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the team as a whole.

Career development

Proper evaluations facilitate discussions about career aspirations and development plans. By identifying employees’ strengths and interests, organisations can tailor development opportunities that not only meet their career goals but also address the organisation's needs.

Identifying training needs

A well-conducted evaluation can reveal gaps in skills and knowledge, allowing your organisation to plan targeted training and development initiatives. This ensures that the workforce remains competitive and capable of meeting current and future challenges.

Enhancing communication

The evaluation process fosters open communication between managers and employees, promoting transparency and understanding. This open dialogue is crucial for building trust and ensuring that employees feel heard and supported.

Organisational development

Finally, the insights gained from evaluations can inform strategic decisions about organisational development. Understanding the workforce's capabilities and areas for improvement can guide strategic planning, change management, and innovation initiatives.

Smiling coworkers in a meeting

10 best practices for offering feedback in an employee evaluation

To ensure that you make the most of your employee evaluations, you need to come prepared. Make sure that your feedback is relevant and well-structured. If you get this right, you’ll empower your employees to increase their productivity.

1. Use clear criteria

Base the evaluation on clear, objective criteria that are directly related to job performance and organisational goals. Ensure these criteria are known to the employee in advance.

2. Recognise achievements

Acknowledge and celebrate the employee's successes and contributions to your team. 

Recognition boosts morale and motivates continued excellence. When you recognise achievements, you want to do it meaningfully—and presenting your employees with a Thankbox is a great way to do this.

Happy employees doing high fives

To create a Thankbox, start by choosing its style, and customising it with a vast selection of designs. Invite the whole team to contribute messages, photos, videos, or GIFs, making it a collaborative celebration. The option to schedule a delivery or keep adding messages post-send-off ensures no one misses out on expressing their appreciation.

Thankbox digital gift cards process

Thankbox stands out because of its blend of customisation and convenience. 

Not only can you tailor every detail to the recipient, but you also enable a collective contribution to a gift card, enhancing the sense of team spirit. It's a memorable way to say thanks and fosters a positive workplace culture by highlighting achievements in a memorable way.

3. Be specific and evidence-based

Provide specific examples of accomplishments and areas for improvement. Avoid generalisations by referencing particular instances of behaviour and their impact.

4. Encourage a conversation

Make the evaluation a dialogue, not a monologue. Encourage employees to share their perspectives, concerns, and suggestions for their development.

5. Focus on development

Emphasise growth and development opportunities rather than just critiquing past performance. Discuss pathways for professional development and skill enhancement.

Together with the employee, you should set goals. Ensure that they are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals for the next evaluation period to guide their development and performance.

Coworkers sharing ideas at work

6. Offer constructive feedback

Frame feedback in a constructive way that supports the employee's growth. Avoid negative criticism that can demotivate. After all, you want to minimise employee turnover, so make sure your feedback is useful.

7. Be consistent

Apply the same evaluation standards and processes to all employees to ensure fairness and objectivity. This builds trust in the evaluation process.

8. Document the evaluation

Keep detailed records of the evaluation, including performance data, feedback given, goals set, and development plans discussed. Documentation is crucial for tracking progress over time.

Positive businesswoman doing paperwork in office

9. Plan for regular check-ins

Set up regular follow-up meetings to discuss progress towards goals, address any new challenges, and adjust development plans as necessary.

10. Provide resources for improvement

Offer support for the employee's development, such as training, mentoring, or new assignments that enable skill-building.

3 employee evaluation samples

1. Sample performance-based evaluation

This focuses on the individual's job performance, assessing achievements against predefined objectives. Performance-based evaluations are often quantitative, relying on measurable outcomes to determine how well an employee has met their goals.

Here’s what a typical employee evaluation sample might include:

Employee Information:

  • Name:

  • Position:

  • Department:

  • Evaluation Period:

  • Evaluator:

  • Instructions:

Rate the employee's performance in each area using the following scale:

1 = Needs Significant Improvement

2 = Below Expectations

3 = Meets Expectations

4 = Exceeds Expectations

5 = Outstanding

Provide specific examples and comments to support your ratings and offer constructive feedback.

1. Quality of Work:

Accuracy, attention to detail, and thoroughness in tasks.

  • Rating:

  • Comments:

2. Quantity of Work

Ability to manage workload and productivity levels, and complete tasks within deadlines.

  • Rating:

  • Comments:

3. Consistency of Performance:

Dependability in performing tasks consistently over the review period.

  • Rating:

  • Comments:

4. Technical Skills:

Proficiency in required job-specific skills and technologies.

  • Rating:

  • Comments:

5. Problem-solving and Decision-making:

Effectiveness in identifying issues, analysing problems, and making informed decisions.

  • Rating:

  • Comments:

6. Initiative and Creativity:

Willingness to take on new challenges, propose solutions, and contribute ideas.

  • Rating:

  • Comments:

7. Adaptability:

Ability to adjust to changes and handle unexpected challenges.

  • Rating:

  • Comments:

8. Time Management:

Efficiency in organising work and prioritising tasks to meet deadlines.

  • Rating:

  • Comments:

Overall Work Performance Rating:

Summarise the overall performance, including strengths and areas for development.

  • Overall Rating:

  • Comments:

  • Goals for the Next Review Period:

Employee's Comments:

Provide space for the employee to offer their perspective, comments, or feedback on their performance evaluation.


Evaluator’s Signature: ___________________ Date: _______

Employee’s Signature: ___________________ Date: _______

2. Project-based sample evaluation 

Used primarily for employees involved in project work, these evaluations assess performance concerning specific projects, considering factors like contribution to the project, teamwork, deadline adherence, and problem-solving.

Project-Based Evaluation Form

  • Project Information:

  • Project Name:

  • Project Duration:

  • Employee Name:

  • Position:

  • Evaluation Period:

  • Evaluator Name: (if applicable)


This evaluation form is designed to assess your contributions, performance, and skill application within the context of a specific project. Please provide specific examples and insights wherever possible to support your evaluations.

Project Objectives and Scope

Briefly describe the main objectives and scope of the project.

Performance in Key Areas

Rate the employee's performance in the following areas using a 1-5 scale (1 = Needs Significant Improvement, 5 = Outstanding). Provide comments and examples to support your ratings.

Contribution to Project Goals

  • Rating:

  • Comments:

Quality of Work

  • Rating:

  • Comments:

Teamwork and Collaboration

  • Rating:

  • Comments:

Problem-solving and Innovation

  • Rating:

  • Comments:

Adherence to Deadlines

  • Rating:

  • Comments:


  • Rating:

  • Comments:

Leadership and Initiative (if applicable)

  • Rating:

  • Comments:

Technical Skills and Competency

  • Rating:

  • Comments:

Overall Project Impact

Evaluate the overall impact of the employee's contributions to the project. How did their work influence the project's outcomes?

Strengths and Achievements

Identify the key strengths and achievements of the employee within the project context.

Areas for Improvement

Discuss any areas for improvement observed during the project.

Future Development

Based on the project experience, what skills or competencies should the employee focus on developing for future projects?

Employee's Reflection (Optional)

Provide any reflections on the project, including learnings, challenges faced, and areas for personal development.

Additional Comments

Any other comments or observations from the evaluator or employee.


Employee Signature: ___________________ Date: _______

Evaluator Signature: ___________________ Date: _______ (if applicable)

Confetti icon Celebrate Employee Success with Thankbox!

Congratulating your employees on their successes is just as important as evaluating their performance. Make your employees feel appreciated with a Thankbox! It only takes a few clicks to create a beautiful, interactive e-card.

3. Sample employee self-assessment form

In this sample, employees evaluate their own performance using the same criteria as their managers. Self-assessments can encourage self-reflection and personal accountability, making them a valuable tool for personal development.

Employee Information

  • Name:

  • Position:

  • Department:

  • Evaluation Period:


Please provide your insights and evaluations based on the past evaluation period. Be as honest and specific as possible, focusing on your achievements, challenges, and areas for personal and professional development.

Performance Overview

How would you rate your overall performance during the evaluation period? (Please use a 1-5 scale, with 1 being "Needs Significant Improvement" and 5 being "Outstanding".)

  • Rating:

  • Explanation:

Skills and Competency

  • How do you assess your current skill set related to your job role?

  • Are there areas where you feel particularly strong, or areas needing improvement?

  • What new skills or knowledge have you acquired, and how have you applied them?

Communication Skills

  • Evaluate your effectiveness in communication within the team and with external stakeholders.

  • Provide examples of how you have effectively used communication skills to contribute to your team or project.

Teamwork and Collaboration

  • How well do you think you contributed to team dynamics and project successes?

  • Describe any challenges you faced in teamwork and how you addressed them.

Leadership and Management Skills (if applicable)

  • Reflect on any leadership roles you undertook. What were your key learnings and challenges?

  • How have you contributed to the development and mentoring of team members?

Customer Service (if applicable)

  • Describe your approach to handling customer service or client management.

  • Provide examples of how you have gone above and beyond to meet or exceed customer expectations.

Goals for the Next Period

  • What are your professional development goals for the next period?

  • Are there specific skills or competencies you aim to develop?

Additional Comments

  • Is there anything else you’d like to share about your performance, expectations, or needs for support?

Employee Signature

Signature: ___________________ Date: _______

Colleagues standing in white long-sleeve shirts discussing reports

30 employee evaluation sample messages

We gave you the templates, but if you’re not sure which messages to write in your evaluation, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Work Performance

Needs Significant Improvement (1)

"Multiple deadlines have been missed over the past few months [provide examples]. Let's discuss strategies for prioritising tasks and managing your workload more effectively."

Below Expectations (2)

"There have been opportunities to take the initiative and propose new ideas that were not taken. Engaging more proactively can significantly contribute to our team's success."

Meets Expectations (3)

"Your ability to analyse issues and make informed decisions has positively impacted your work. Your problem-solving approach has been on par with our expectations."

Exceeds Expectations (4)

"Your ability to adapt to changes and manage unexpected challenges has been impressive. Your flexibility has greatly contributed to the team's resilience and success."

Outstanding (5)

"Your productivity and the quality of your outputs are outstanding, significantly surpassing our expectations. Your exceptional performance has been crucial in achieving our team's goals."

Skills and Competency

Needs Significant Improvement (1)

"I've noticed some gaps in your understanding of [specific area], impacting your work. Let's identify resources or training that could help fill these gaps."

Below Expectations (2)

"While some effort has been made towards professional growth, there's a noticeable need for further development in [specific skills]. Engaging more with available training programs could accelerate your progress."

Meets Expectations (3)

“You have shown a satisfactory ability to adapt to new technologies introduced in our workflows, which is commendable. Continuing to embrace learning will further enhance your adaptability."

Exceeds Expectations (4)

"Your problem-solving skills have exceeded expectations, particularly in how you approached [specific situation]. Your ability to think critically and propose effective solutions is a valuable asset to our team."

Outstanding (5)

"You have demonstrated outstanding mastery of your job-specific skills, significantly contributing to [specific project or outcome]. Your deep expertise and competency set a high standard within our team."

Communication Skills

Needs Significant Improvement (1)

"There have been instances where the clarity of your communication has led to misunderstandings [provide examples]. Focusing on clear and concise messaging can improve team collaboration."

Below Expectations (2)

"Active listening during meetings and discussions needs improvement. Ensuring you fully understand others' viewpoints before responding is crucial for effective communication."

Meets Expectations (3)

"Your written communication, including emails and reports, meets our standards for professionalism and clarity. Maintaining this level of quality is important for effective information sharing."

Exceeds Expectations (4)

"Your ability to convey complex information in presentations clearly and engagingly exceeds expectations. Your presentations have been effective in informing and motivating the team."

Outstanding (5)

"Your interpersonal communication skills are outstanding. You foster strong relationships within the team and with clients. Your ability to communicate effectively under various circumstances has been instrumental in [specific achievement]."

Teamwork and Collaboration

Needs Significant Improvement (1)

“There's been a noticeable reluctance to participate in team activities and meetings, leading to missed opportunities for collaboration. Engaging more actively with the team is crucial for our collective success."

Below Expectations (2)

"While your individual work is appreciated, the contribution to broader team goals has been less than expected. Aligning your efforts with team objectives will enhance our collective achievements."

Meets Expectations (3)

"You consistently support your team members, providing assistance when needed. This collaborative spirit contributes significantly to our team's positive dynamics and success."

Exceeds Expectations (4)

"Your efforts in fostering unity and encouraging a collaborative environment have exceeded expectations. Your ability to mediate conflicts and promote a positive team culture is highly valued."

Outstanding (5)

"You've shown outstanding leadership in teamwork, consistently going above and beyond to ensure team cohesion and collaborative success. Your initiative in leading projects and mentoring teammates is commendable."

Leadership and Management Skills

Needs Significant Improvement (1)

“Hesitation in making decisions has occasionally delayed team progress. Developing more confidence in decision-making overcoming these challenges."

Below Expectations (2)

"There has been minimal focus on the development of team members. Investing time in understanding and supporting their growth can lead to a more empowered and capable team."

Meets Expectations (3)

"You delegate tasks effectively, ensuring that work is distributed appropriately among team members according to their skills and workload. This has contributed to efficient team operations."

Exceeds Expectations (4)

"Your ability to motivate and inspire team members has exceeded expectations, significantly enhancing team morale and productivity. Your leadership is a driving force behind our achievements."

Outstanding (5)

"You have demonstrated outstanding strategic leadership, clearly communicating vision and goals, and effectively guiding the team towards achieving them. Your foresight and planning have been pivotal in our success."

Customer Service

Needs Significant Improvement (1)

"Improvement is needed in handling customer complaints, with some instances leading to customer dissatisfaction. Adopting a more patient and solution-focused approach will enhance customer experiences."

Below Expectations (2)

"There's room for improvement in accurately understanding and addressing customer needs. Taking the time to listen to and empathise with customers will improve service quality."

Meets Expectations (3)

"You consistently respond to customer inquiries and issues on time, meeting our expectations for prompt customer service. Maintaining this responsiveness is crucial."

Exceeds Expectations (4)

"Your efforts in building strong relationships with customers exceed expectations. Your personal touch and attention to detail have significantly contributed to customer loyalty and satisfaction."

Outstanding (5)

"You have achieved outstanding levels of customer satisfaction and retention, directly contributing to our business's success. Your exceptional service has become a benchmark for our team."

Confetti icon Celebrate Employee Success with Thankbox!

Congratulating your employees on their successes is just as important as evaluating their performance. Make your employees feel appreciated with a Thankbox! It only takes a few clicks to create a beautiful, interactive e-card.

Wrapping up 

The employee evaluation process doesn’t need to be as intimidating as it looks. By using our samples and engaging in meaningful dialogue, evaluators can transform these assessments into powerful tools for growth and development.

Remember, the evaluation process is a collaborative effort. You want to put your employees on the right track, but showing them appreciation for their hard work is also important.

To do that, why not send them a Thankbox? Employees will light up at the sight of a card thanking them for all their contributions.

Images: Cover | Smiling coworkers in a meeting | Happy employees doing high fives | Coworkers sharing ideas at work | Positive businesswoman in an office | Colleagues discussing reports

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