A tablet that says "Mental Health Matters"

❤️ Celebrating Four Years of Appreciation by Giving Back

A tablet that says "Mental Health Matters"

In May 2024, as Thankbox marked its 4th birthday, we didn’t just celebrated our journey but also deepened our commitment to wellbeing in the workplace. In a special collaboration with Mental Health UK, we dedicated the month to raising awareness about mental health challenges, especially those faced by remote workers.

We raised a total of £5,114 to support the vital work of Mental Health UK in aiding individuals across the United Kingdom.

Image of hands holding each other in support

Making an impact for Mental Health

At Thankbox, our core mission has always been about more than just celebrating occasions — it’s about genuine appreciation and support. Recognising the mental health struggles that can often be magnified by remote working, we partnered with Mental Health UK to bring light to this critical issue and provide real support where it’s most needed.

The funds we raised will, amongst other things, help train educators on how to support people in building mental resilience!

of people experience a mental health issue each year

of workers reported feeling isolated or lonely at least once a week

of employees feel they cannot talk about mental health at work

Image of Mental Health UK supporters

About Mental Health UK

Mental Health UK supports people affected by mental health problems including friends, family, and carers. Working across the UK, they bring together experts from four national mental health charities to improve understanding and provide vital care.

Mental Health UK is a registered charity with number 1170815.

Each Sent Thankbox helped support mental health

During May 2024, 20% of each Thankbox sale went directly to Mental Health UK.

You can read more about this special cause and collaboration on our blog, where we also share personal stories about mental health from our co-founders.

Photo of Val & Tsvetelina - Thankbox Co-founders

Having had our own struggles with mental health, we are so proud to have made a tangible difference in the lives of those facing similar and even tougher challenges.

Val & Tsvetelina - Thankbox Co-founders

Frequently Asked Questions

We provide more answers on our support page, so check that too if you can't find what you are looking for here.

Who are Mental Health UK?

In a rapidly changing world, Mental Health UK brings together the heritage and experience of four charities from across the country who’ve been supporting people with their mental health for over 50 years.

Working UK-wide, they deliver both national and local services that enable and empower people to understand and manage their mental health in a person-centred and empathetic way.

What causes will the raised money help aid?

The raised funds will help in the following ways:
  • Giving more people access to support & resources to improve their financial and mental health.
  • Training educators on how to support young people with mental resilience.
  • Organising support groups around acceptance and reassurance.
  • Providing tailored mental health support to individuals who need it.

What are the common issues remote workers face with mental health?

Remote work, while offering flexibility and eliminating commutes, also brings unique challenges that can impact mental health significantly. Some of the most common issues faced by remote workers include:
  • Isolation and Loneliness: Without the physical presence of colleagues, remote workers often feel disconnected, which can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness.
  • Work-Life Balance Difficulties: The boundaries between personal life and work can blur, making it hard for remote employees to 'switch off' from work, which increases stress and impacts their personal life.
  • Lack of Routine: The absence of a structured office environment can make maintaining a regular routine difficult, affecting sleep patterns and overall mental wellness.

These challenges are compounded by the lack of immediate support and communication barriers, which can exacerbate feelings of isolation and anxiety. Here are a few specific mental health concerns that remote workers might encounter:
  • Increased Anxiety and Stress: Concerns about productivity, ongoing communication, and job security can heighten anxiety and stress.
  • Depression: Prolonged isolation and inadequate support may lead to depressive symptoms among remote workers.
  • Burnout: Without clear boundaries between work and home, remote workers are at a higher risk of burnout due to overwork and insufficient downtime.

These are all issues which Mental Health UK aims to provide support for.
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